Don't go to college. Start web site to hound liberal teachers [View all]
I am sickened by the news that the wingnuts under the banner of Turning Point USA just started a web site to hound teachers and professors they claim are too liberal and anti-American.
From DailyKos:
"New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bia and anti-American values"
The front man (kid) behind this website and Turning Point USA is Charlie Kirk. Hes never been to college.
From the article:
Kirk's 21 years old (I got t-shirts older than that) and was encouraged NOT to go to college
(so WTF does he know about any of this anyway. He's never BEEN to college)
Nor does he seem particularly curious about education
SNIP From Article
Kirk didn't end up going to college in 2012. He's now enrolled part-time at New York's King's College, taking online classes at night after he has finished his executive director duties. He doesn't seem particularly committed, casually saying he'll get his degree "in due time."
His group claims to have raised a million bucks. When pressed to see the tax records for the group, it should come as no surprise, his sugar daddy back pedals for him.
Wingnut welfare sponsors of Charlie Kirk
The sugar daddies* who decided to put their money behind Charlie Kirk are listed below.
Bill Montgomery
Peter Huizenga, who chairs investment firm Huizenga Capital Management, in Oak Brook, Illinois, and gave $50,000 to Turning Point last year,
Mary Ellen, office assistant at Huizenga Capital Management (Mary Ellen, if you are being held hostage, learn Morse code, then blink out SOS if youre on film, or tap it out using an eraser if youre on the phone.)
Another sponsor of this wingnut welfare is put an aspirin between your knees sluts Foster Freiss.
Instead of going to college, he wanted to start a grass-roots organization to rival liberal groups such as, which offer Democratic candidates a standing army of volunteer activists. All he needed, Kirk told Friess, was cash.
Friess, who'd just blown $2.1 million on a failed quest to help Rick Santorum win the GOP presidential nomination, handed over his business card. Three weeks later, Kirk had a five-figure check. He impressed me with his capacity to lead, intelligence, and love for America, Friess says. I instantly knew I wanted to support him.
Those of us without a penis may remember Foster Friess. He was the guy who advised women to put an aspirin between their knees, or some such woman-hating nonsense.
Foster Friess: In my day, 'gals' put aspirin 'between their knees' for contraception
*Some people call this stuff wingnut welfare.
**Hat tip to the DUer who started original discussion on this insanity: