Junior missed 14, then 16, then 17 classes and if he misses 18, he loses credit for the course. And these form letters to the house get filled out on pressure sensitive paper so parent gets the top copy. Second copy goes in kid's folder in guidance so that there is a "Due process" record. Teacher keeps the third copy.
On the 18th absence, teacher has to sit through the appeal after which credit is restored if the parents have political pull.
By May of the school year, teacher is spending at least an hour per day on this bullshit.
Then there are the meetings, for the sake of meetings. You've already spent 7 hours trying to keep your head straight. Then comes an hour or two more of listening to instructions that could have been handled by memos to staff.
But don't worry. If you hang in there for 25 years or more, there is a pension that'll at least keep you in rice and beans from month to month --- such pension is good unless you are in N.J. and Chris Christie puts an end to cost of living raises. N.J teacher retirees haven't had a C.O.L.A raise since 2008. Will other states follow?
And the bullshit goes on and on. My s-i-l retires in four years. Every September starts out the same at teacher set-up and "inspiration."
Some asshole stands in front of the room and says, "I know you have lots of paper work to fill out every day. We appreciated your effort. Now, here's some more stuff for you to fill out."