While cuts roll out of D.C., conservative Republicans across the country are demanding that state [View all]
and local lawmakers go on a spending spree on arming schools with more guards, guns, and security paraphernalia.
"Effort to put more weaponry in schools are not only damaging to children, they are expensive.
As the recent post at the blog for the National School Board Association noted, Public schools spend billions each year on school resource officers, according to a report on NPRs Marketplace Morning Report. One officer could cost between $50,000 and $80,000 per year, depending on the district.
A recent report in the local newspaper in Charlotte, N.C. found that that the school district was struggling to come up with an added $800,000 required by a change in the city formula for paying school resource officers.
So while political leaders in D.C. make the federal deficit the defining interest of the nation, elsewhere, conservatives are promoting huge new expenditures for their constituents, and the interests of children get completely lost in the deal-making."