Parent letter to NYC bureaucracy drones:
"State accountability: Under No Child Left Behind, New York State measures each schools rate of participation in state tests. If 95% of a school or one or more of its subgroups of students (e.g. Hispanic students, students with disabilities, Limited English Proficient students) do not take the assessment, the school does not make Adequate Yearly Progress which has funding and intervention consequences for schools.
I am just a parent with a child in the NYC public schools. That is my only standing to challenge this statement. But I believe if the era of accountability in which we find ourselves is to mean anything at all, then education officials must be held accountable to children and the parents who raise them. So I would appreciate a forthright answer to the following questions:
Is it not a distortion of the original intent of NCLBs 95% rule to penalize schools, not because the schools are concealing low performance on the part of their students (by having their least capable students stay out of the testing in order to receive a more favorable rating by the state), but because parents who are deeply involved in and concerned about their childrens educations (and whose children therefore are, if anything, likely to perform well on state tests) are choosing to opt their children out of a regime of high-stakes testing that the best minds in education in our country have long since repudiated?"
The rest:
That's how they get the building admins to crack the whip. (And also mislead parents about their right to opt-out.) It's a fucking plantation system.