First, it may be helpful to broaden the scope of Bruni's writing beyond education to include two other controversial public policy subjects (AIDS, autism) adding further detail to his profile.
Over the course of the last week and without actively looking,
4/22 - Bruni's junk NYT autism column
4/28 - Bruni's great blurb on Peabody Award winner, 'Survive a Plague' (via Twitter)
Although he's completely wrong on some issues (certainly autism and, apparently, education reform), he's correct on others (Survive A Plague) and has written with eloquence, insight, and clarity (despite failing to confront the CDC directly as did the activists in the film). The NYT's reporting on autism? Abysmal. Rely on it and you may be indoctrinated, but you are woefully misinformed including by Bruni. (Similarly, NYT's articles on GMOs are grossly inadequate and misleading, not just my independent observation, below).
Second, I just wanted to stash his latest garbage somewhere on DU (PLUS key missing info) without starting a brainless flame-bait thread on a third-rail topic. Your OLD post came up on a DU search for 'Frank Bruni,' and I incorrectly assumed it was an inactive archived thread no one would see. Live and learn.
FRANK BRUNI: WRONG on autism activism, RIGHT on HIV activism. Is he actually oblivious to the parallels?