Test scores, rating plunged at top elementary after Dallas ISD determined teachers had been cheating [View all]
Umphrey Lee Elementary was recognized as one of the best schools in Dallas, based primarily on STAAR test scores. But Dallas ISD officials concluded that was a sham, a distinction propped up by teachers feeding students answers on most of the 2012-13 state assessment tests.
Five teachers and an instructional coach resigned as the result of an investigation last October. And by the end of the 2013-14 school year, the students STAAR results had plummeted, dropping the school from the states top rating to as low as they go.
District officials, however, never informed Umphrey Lee parents that their children might not have learned as much as their test scores indicated. Nor did the district offer tutoring or other remedial help for those students.
Wow, I never heard anything. I never received a letter, said Carol Williams-Burnett, whose daughter attended the school in Red Bird. It is a disservice because they aren't given everything they need. If you dont get what you need from the previous grade, then it will be really hard in the next grade.