both did thinking of how we could have better spent time with the kids but as you said it works .
The areas whether by location or economic demographics where there is no alternative to get out makes it even more insidious.
Yes it went beyond math before we got out of Duncanland -beware the history - social studies it was all answers to the test and made as much (non)sense as the math with absolutely no context even understanding the event really, let alone the relation to what was happening around it
Did I mention the district is praised for its high test scores? That makes it a desirable school area they say now ! This will be coming to small towns soon if not already as test scores trump all other objectives.
People always think it can't happen here and we have the final say but it creeps in slowly and before you know it the majority of kids are confused or disgusted or the bright ones may wonder is that all there is but have little resource in school to explore outside the box.
They cut back on the gifted programs too before we left
Most certainly did not want any child out of step with the program
or asking too many questions !