Understanding Common Core is About Seeing a Much Larger Picture [View all]
Reposted from Labor Movement Forum
>>>I was sitting in my doctor's office and after he interpreted my latest blood sugar results we got into a conversation about his new work regime.
He told me that he really did not like inputting all the data into his examination room computer. He said, "the HMO keeps telling me that all of the business with data imputing will make his job easier, but he is troubled by the time it takes away from his standard check-up." Most importantly, he says that "he likes to make eye contact with patients and to discuss what his gut tells him rather than what the numbers tell him."
I said that sounds very familiar, and I told him about VAM testing based on standardized scores based on the Common Core Curriculum. It was like putting several Blues Clues together. We both decided that it was not about quality, it was about measuring digital units that could be used by "upper management" to evaluate job performance. Our shared Eureka moment was not very heartening.
The Common Core deskills the teaching profession by turning the teaching into a delivery machine. Relationships with students are to be ignored and replaced by the mechanical delivery of scripted lessons in a particular sequence. In effect, the teacher craftsman will be forced to work on an assembly line.
Understanding Common Core is about seeing a much larger picture. That picture is a collage of the strategic plans of most multinational corporations that are increasingly managed or heavily influenced by the CBS approach to business and labor relations. What the Tea Party erroneously views as the socialistic overreach of the Obama Administration is in reality the administration's acquiescence to the power of multi-nationals that are pushing the CBS imperative to deskill and destroy what is left of the American and global skilled white collar middle class.