By far the saddest musical news of the year is that some people's brains simply cannot derive pleasure from music no matter how good or how high quality. The disorder is a form of anhedonia, which describes a person's inability to enjoy activities most find pleasurable. Researchers have already identified in other fields, including sexual anhedonia and social anhedonia.
"Now that we know that there are people with specific musical anhedonia," said Josep Marco-Pallerés, lead author of the study.
Individuals with specific musical anhedonia have normal music processing abilities, and they're not depressed. The music they hear simply does not translate into an autonomic response or feelings of pleasure. People with musical anhedonia did receive large amounts of pleasure and nervous system response from playing a economic money-exchange game. Everyone's got their trigger.
emphasis mine
The tinnitus claim makes it seem like they train the individual to tune out the appropriate "ringing" frequencies. I suffer from this problem and will research this further.