First Energy Scandal Continues - 20 More Charges For Householder; Disinformation & Threats Alleged Re. Renewables [View all]
The largest scandal in Ohio history has sprawled even larger, and has a connection to one of the fossil fuel industrys leading disinformers, currently active here in Michigan and across the midwest. New charges have been brought against former speaker of the Ohio House Larry Householder, who is already appealing a conviction carrying a 20 years sentence. Most recently indicted is Sam Randazzo (left, above), former Chair of the Public Utility Commission of Ohio, for taking 4 million in bribes, among other things.
Interesting video surfaced recently of Randazzo sharing the stage with Kevon Martis, a senior fellow with the Washington DC based E&E Legal, a lobbying firm well known for ties to the fossil industry and a history of threats and harassment against climate scientists. Mr Martis is currently frontman for a high profile petition drive in Michigan aimed at placing a measure on the November ballot that would repeal recently passed clean energy siting reform, a center piece of Governor Whitmers ambitious climate and clean energy plan.
Alleged Bribester, fraudster, and grand thief, (among other charges) Randazzo introduced Mr Martis as a hero and an inspiration.
Important to say there are currently no charges against Kmart as we know him, but many are wondering if, as the charges mount up, Martis is getting nervous about what deals Householder, Randazzo et al may be cutting?
State crimes have state penalties, and a conviction will ensure that there will be no more comebacks from the Comeback Kid, the Ohio attorney general, Dave Yost, said. At a news conference, Mr. Yost declined to say whether more charges were forthcoming. Some of the money personally benefited Mr. Householder, a Republican, but more dollars went elsewhere $17 million for a media campaign backing the bailout, known as House Bill 6, and more for private detectives, people paid to intimidate those gathering signatures for a ballot initiative to overturn the bailout, and advertising to thwart that campaign, which was led by clean-energy advocates and the natural gas industry.