I just noted, with disgust, how the Chinese make hydrogen, as reported not by cheap marketeers of the fossil fuel industry, but in one of the world's most important scientific environmental journals, Environmental Science and Technology
It's right here in undeniable black and white that Chinese coal is the core of their very, very, very, very dirty Chinese hydrogen industry.
I'll repeat the reference and the reality that I just posted in response to marketing Chinese coal here:
Subsidizing Grid-Based Electrolytic Hydrogen Will Increase Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Coal Dominated Power Systems Liqun Peng, Yang Guo, Shangwei Liu, Gang He, and Denise L. Mauzerall Environmental Science & Technology 2024 58 (12), 5187-5195
The text is clear enough.
From the introductory text:
... Currently, nearly all hydrogen in China is either produced directly from fossil fuels (55% from coal gasification and 14% from steam methane reforming (SMR)) or as a byproduct of petroleum refining (28%), with only 1% coming from water electrolysis. (2) Producing 1 kg of coal- or SMR-based hydrogen emits roughly 19 and 10 kg of CO2, respectively. (3) In 2020, hydrogen production from fossil fuels in China emitted ∼322Tg of CO2, equivalent to 25% of total CO2 emissions from industrial processes, a number expected to rise with increasing hydrogen demand. (4) Industrial processes include production of nonmetallic mineral products, chemical, and metal products, as well as production and consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. (4)
The bold, italics and underlining is mine.
EST: Chinese Hydrogen Production Is Making Climate Change Worse.
One thing that's very clear about the fossil fuel promotional advertising here, that rebranding fossil fuels as hydrogen, whether by bots or by fossil fuel salespeople, is that they lack a sense of decency and as well, a sense of shame.
The lie at this point, with carbon dioxide concentrations having risen by nearly 25 ppm in ten years is unconscionable, this more than four decades then, 2014, five decades now as of 2024, of people handing out the wholly dishonest "green hydrogen" lie..
Here's what fossil fuel sales people hawking hydrogen, just like they hawk "sequestration," have brought us:
Week beginning on March 24, 2024: 425.04 ppm
Weekly value from 1 year ago: 421.50 ppm
Weekly value from 10 years ago: 400.49 ppm
Last updated: March 31, 2024
The planet is in flames and the "bait and switch" bullshit about hydrogen has done nothing but to exacerbate the crisis. Although the marketing may take in a set of uneducated rubes, the reality is unchanged.
Volume 1, Issue 1, of The International Journal of Hydrogen Energy was published in 1976, when the concentration of dangerous fossil fuel waste in the planetary atmosphere
averaged 332 ppm.
Lies and frauds like this have brought us nothing beyond a nearly 100 ppm increase in the concentrations of dangerous fossil fuel waste in the planetary atmosphere, leaving the planet in flames. I note that China depends, for its water supply, on the Himalayan glaciers, which are rapidly being degraded, and things like selling the hydrogen lie to promote coal is threatening China's future.
There's nothing "innovative" in this tiresome old failed scam. It's a dangerous fraud being advertised to promote the use of dangerous fossil fuels, killing the planet.
No sense of decency, none.