A Guide to Electric Car Misinformation (part 2) [View all]
Last week I posted an article from the same author on the most common lies about Electric Vehicle policy here:
Here are some excerpts from part 2 on the most common lies about EVs in general.
By Emily Atkin, Apr 03, 2024
Full Article:
Misleading: Its more environmentally harmful to make an EV than a gas car.
Whats misleading about the statement is not the statement itself, but the context in which gas car proponents say it. Usually, theyre saying it to convince you that electric cars are way worse than gas cars for the environment. And thats just frankly illogical, because the vast majority of pollution that comes from cars does not come from making the car. It comes from driving the car.
Misleading: The U.S. electric grid cant handle widespread EV adoption.
In Californiathe national leader in electric cars with more than 1 million plug-in vehiclesEV charging currently accounts for less than 1 percent of the grids total load during peak hours. In 2030, when the number of EVs in California is expected to surpass 5 million, charging is projected to account for less than 5 percent of that load, said Buckley, who described it as a small amount of added demand.
More EV claims, untangled
The Guardians EV mythbusters series,...
...written by financial journalist Jasper Jolly, has been incredibly helpful in furthering my own understanding of EV misinformation.
Much more at Full Article: