...more or less proves the serious side validity of my oft repeated "joke" that one cannot be awarded a journalism degree if one has passed a college level science course with a grade of C or better.
Of course, there are zero antinukes in my experience who ever have opened a science book or paper. A detailed analysis of the climate cost of various types of vehicles now in use in the unsustainable car CULTure was recently published in the scientific journal Environmental Science and Technology.
Fossil Fuel sales people and salesbots here and elsewhere avoid the scientific literature since it explicitly involves the laws of thermodynamics which naturally differentiate between energy storage and primary energy, which is what fossil fuel sales bots and their handlers wish to ignore since in undermines their unconscionable rhetoric and misresentation by which they greenwash fossil fuels.
There are of course grids with clean sustainable electricity, France for example, but fossil fuel sales people and sales bots hate nuclear energy because it is an option to do away with their products. The promotion of fear and ignorance is certainly a part of their agenda. However this said, even in France electric cars are not really sustainable.
Fossil Fuel salespeople and salesbots also are indifferent to the moral costs of their propaganda, which is largely involved with the material limitations of batteries, which are also unsustainable even were it not for the thermodyamic (and thus environmental) cost.