...discussed in the primary scientific literature, so it must be OK.
Here is a paper about the "transition" to a hydrogen economy:
E.M. Dickson, J.W. Ryan, M.H. Smulyan, Systems considerations and transition scenarios for the hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
The article includes this text in the summary:
...it can be argued convincingly that a combination electric/hydrogen economy is ultimately inevitable...
There's a nice chart in the full paper telling us when we can see 100% penetration for various technologies.
For private autos, we
could see 100% penetration "by 2000" according to the chart.
Could, could, could, could...".
Oh, I have to apologize again, I seem not to included relevant information about the publication, the issue, volume and year of the publication: E.M. Dickson, J.W. Ryan, M.H. Smulyan,
Systems considerations and transition scenarios for the hydrogen economy,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1976, Pages 11-21,
I wonder if, when this paper was published in 1976, any of the people musing about the argument that "convincingly that a combination electric/hydrogen economy is ultimately inevitable..." bothered to muse that "by December of 2024, the concentration of carbon dioxide
could be reported thus:
Week beginning on December 01, 2024: 424.82 ppm
Weekly value from 1 year ago: 420.74 ppm
Weekly value from 10 years ago: 398.77 ppm
Last updated: December 07, 2024
Weekly average CO2 at Mauna Loa Accessed 12/07/2024.
In the week beginning December 5, 1976, the concentration of CO
2 in the planetary atmosphere as measured as the soon to be silenced Mauna Loa observatory was 331.19 ppm.
What's 93.65 ppm between friends when we've just spent close to half a century talking about "green" hydrogen?
I am at a total loss to discover why anyone who gives a shit about environmental issues, or at least pretends to do so, is still fucking talking about hydrogen at all. Of course, there are a lot of people who
think they're giving a shit, because they lack enough education and knowledge to understand they are doing the exact opposite. It's not really an excuse, but it
is a reality.
A "hydrogen economy" is a marketing scam designed totally and completely to greenwash fossil fuels.
A Giant Climate Lie: When they're selling hydrogen, what they're really selling is fossil fuels.