Peak Oil
In reply to the discussion: Enough oil no longer the problem [View all]BlueStreak
(8,377 posts)that were all educated (i.e. institutionally brainwashed) that this is all "fossil fuel". What is the evidence for fossil fuels, especially in areas like ANWR and the UK north slope -- 2 areas that were never in a good position to accumulate huge masses of vegetation? Or what abut the Gulf of Mexico -- an area that was formed from a void as continental plates separated and largely missed on out the eons of organic deposition.
Geologists have ZERO answers for this. Their answer is always an ad hominem attack on anybody who doesn't immediately go along with their theory. Yet these are the same people who are missing their estimates by orders of magnitude.
Yes, there are some places where we are counting more reserves due to advances in technology. The coast of Brazil would be such an example. But that does not explain places like Saudi Arabia and the relatively shallow wells in the Gulf of Mexico that are also beating the geologists' estimates with no introduction of new technology.
I'm not saying Gold is right. I'm saying Gold's theory comes as close as the fossil fuel theory to meeting the COMPLETE set of facts we have today.
But you proved my point. We all hate Gold. Most of the people on this site who hate him do so because of the dire implications on the atmosphere. I share those fears, but would rather do so on the basis of objective facts rather than conventional wisdom from geologists that have been so badly wrong time after time.