We're all grateful to Hutzpa for serving as interim Host, so thank you very much for your service.
Now--every Group community has the right to determine (1) whether they want a Host at all, and (2) who the Host(s) will be. So without further adieu, we are voting on THREE questions. Here's the ballot--copy and paste into your response. We'll let the election go for 48 hours if everyone agrees (similar to how LGBT and other Groups recently held their Group Host election). At the end, we'll tally up the votes and send the results to Skinner.
1. Does Peak Oil need a Host? (Yes, No)
2. If the community majority decides that it DOES need a Host, who should be the Lead Host? (Nominate someone here)
3. Who, if anyone, should be secondary Hosts? (Nominate people here)
After we get nominations, assuming that the majority winner WANTS the position, we'll send the results to Skinner. If someone nominates you and you don't WANT to serve, please say so clearly.
Thanks all. Go vote!