A 137-Mile ‘Cycling Utopia’ Floating Above London’s Rail Lines [View all]
I wasn't sure where to post this article - but perhaps this group would be amenable.
From Wired online this morning ...
A 137-Mile Cycling Utopia Floating Above Londons Rail Lines
By Damon Lavrinc 01.03.14 6:30 AM
Cars, buses, and rogue pedestrians are all conspiring against cyclists in congested cities, forever running them down, scaring them silly or simply getting in the way. Its something designer Norman Foster an avid rider hopes to alleviate with a dedicated biking highway built above Londons rail lines.
The purely hypothetical but nevertheless amazing SkyCycle would stretch 137 miles in and around the city, accommodating as many as 12,000 riders per hour on a cycling superhighway 50 feet wide. The dream calls for 200 on- and off-ramps which, according to Foster + Partners estimates, means nearly 6 million people will live or work within 10 minutes of an entrance. Without all those cars to weave around and lights to stop for, travel times to and from work would be reduced by up to 29 minutes.
SkyCycle is a lateral approach to finding space in a congested city, says Foster. By using the corridors above the suburban railways, we could create a world-class network of safe, car-free cycle routes that are ideally located for commuters.
Putting aside the cost and difficulty of building a 137-mile highway above a working railroad a point the folks at Foster + Partners sidestepped entirely we will note that such a highway would be bike-friendly. The railway lines were built for steam trains, so the grades are minimal; the lines follow the natural contours of the land; and most importantly the space above them is underutilized, particularly in industrial areas. And according to the proposal, the elevated bike paths are also cheaper to build compared to traditional roads and tunnels. Not that theres any space for new asphalt to begin with.
SkyCycle is an urban cycling solution for London, says Oli Clark, who brought the idea to Foster over two years ago. [It's] a cycling utopia, with no buses, no cars and no stress.
More here ... http://www.wired.com/autopia/2014/01/skycycle/?cid=16576154