Opinion, please: Pete and Gerry's Cage Free Eggs [View all]
Our grocery store recently started selling these eggs. My weakness, my struggle with being vegan is eggs, not cheese. I love eggs. Will not eat them unless our local co-op has them, where I know the chickens are well-treated. Unfortunately, I don't often get by the co-op because of their hours and mine, and this will become much harder to do in winter when their hours are restricted.
I also don't totally object to animal products like cheese and eggs and milk and yogurt and honey if the products are produced by animals that are treated extremely well and with utmost respect. I won't eat the flesh of a dead animal, but I'll definitely consider eggs and milk-derived products and honey.
So. The Pete and Gerry's site looks like it's a good operation. But I know appearances can be very deceiving and websites can blatantly lie. I *want* to believe this is a good alternative option for me, since our grocery store is open 24 hours, but if anyone can verify this company's humane certification, I'd really appreciate it.
I'd also really like to be able to support a good company.