Pink UFOs Show Up On Texas and New Mexico Google Street Views [View all]

If you use Google street view to get directions to Jacksonville, Texas, a glance into the sky reveals none other than...a good old fashioned pink UFO.
That's what Andrea Dove recently discovered when she signed on to the popular online address tool to map her way from her home near Houston to visit a relative in Jacksonville.
Dove contacted ABC affiliate KLTV in East Texas after she used her computer keyboard controls to manipulate the street view and spotted what looked like a classic flying saucer in the sky. It seems to be circular with a domed top, and, well, it's reddish-pink. The image also appears to show a thin, white line hanging or trailing from the object.
"No one I spoke with had seen anything strange over Jacksonville, and although it could be a lens flare or an unexplainable reflection of some nearby object, I saw no indication of anything which fell under that umbrella," said KLTV reporter Jamey Boyum.
Lens flare? That's exactly what photo-video analyst Marc Dantonio thinks is going on here.
"I examined the Google Earth photo in question. This is a simple, but classic, lens flare," Dantonio told The Huffington Post in an email.
Lens flare? Yeah, right.

A likely story.
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