Greek myths have endured for centuries. But is does that mean Zeus sitting on the mountain directing our fates? Or fairies really are in the woods? Of course there's something to these, but that something is a reflection of the human mind, of ourselves, how we operate.
My basic perception of reality comes from science. In order for me to believe that there is an external reality to astrology, an astrologer has to predict statistical trends in people's fates/behaviors who don't themselves believe in astrology, and the studies have to back it up. Studying it for years will shape my brain to see astrological wonders all around me, but without that predictive component its not part of the external material world.
I hope you don't take my comments as devaluing your study. In my paradigm, you freaking out about that is like somebody saying: "I spent years believing dollar bills had value, and now you're telling me that they're just pieces of paper?" Both are true. They have value, and that's because people believe these pieces of paper have value. Belief is a very powerful thing.
edit: Oh, I read your other post and you might be interested, my chart is all Pisces and Virgo so this is my house: the mystical spiritual as it relates to the analytical thinking of science. Yes, it fits me well, but as a rational thinker, I cannot rule out that my personality was shaped by my time in Bohemia. What I can tell you is that you're lecturing the wrong guy on the need to study occult science!