A West Virginia 'Women's Bill of Rights' is an effort to suppress transgender people, critics say [View all]
Source: Associated Press
A West Virginia Womens Bill of Rights is an effort to suppress transgender people, critics say
Updated 11:34 AM EST, February 8, 2024
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) Legislation in West Virginia to narrow the definitions of gender would give women no further rights and is a way for Republicans to suppress transgender people, speakers at a public hearing said Thursday.
Dozens of speakers condemned the Womens Bill of Rights while a handful spoke in favor of it during the 45-minute hearing in the House chambers at the state Capitol.
The legislation says that equal does not mean same or identical with respect to equality of the sexes. It would define in state statues and official public policies that a persons sex is determined at birth and that gender equity terms may not be substituted. It also would establish that certain single-sex environments, such as athletics, locker rooms and bathrooms, are not discriminatory.
Marshall University student Max Varney said the bill uses womens rights as a cover for transphobia.
Read more: https://apnews.com/article/defining-transgender-rights-west-virginia-dba5c48fc3e3e6e7a8b9f8b391851668