that are currently happening. I will post them again here. This is info from Sun. and yesterday so it may already have changed since word is FINALLY getting out.
I was part of the Not One Penny nationwide phone call today and you are doing what Ben said we all need to do. The bill is not a win, it is a disaster and we can stop it. There are still a few weeks left and the three things we must do...
1. Attend protests, town halls, etc and make sure the media is there, no matter how big or small it is. The media has been absent due to the non stop distractions. There are many important issues but this is our BIGGEST PRIORITY for the next few weeks.
2. Keep up the CALLS. They started late but eventually their staffers were busy, tell your family and friends in other states to call too. (202)224-3131
3. Social media is crucial. Retweet and share whatever you can. Send it to the media. Events, town halls, protests are occurring and over 100 are planned for this week alone. Bernie, Cory Booker, Indivisible, MoveOn have been going to Kentucky, Ohio and PA all weekend.
New info is already coming out. One new fact since the Fri vote is that there will be 1/2 trillion more dollars added to the deficit. 28% of Americans approve of the Tax Scam. This week Ryan will appoint Repub to his closed door "conference committee" and then we can target those reps. The house and senate have to "negotiate a compromise". What they voted on is different in each chamber. For now we know of 28 Rep congressmen who voted against one of the two bills/plans. We need to flip 23 of them. The Senate will need to be PRESSURED NON STOP...this means calling the 9 senators that were wavering. If we get Alabama we only need two more senators with Corker. This would be great. Also there is the threat of a govt shutdown by Fri., Dec. 8th.
We have been the catalysts of the grass roots efforts for a year and have stopped major legislation. We have a few more weeks until the holidays. After that we have to spread the word about what the GOP has done to the stability and future of our country with this tax cut for the rich and they are taking money from the sick and poor which will bankrupt millions and take over 13 million off of health care. Meanwhile tax cuts for multi million dollar corporations will not be trickling down at all and never will. The bill ensures that the country will be taxed more over the next 10 year (but not the and me are paying).
Call (202)224-3121
We must HAMMER them on this bill. Put the pressure on these greedy, cruel bastards and DO NOT STOP!