What armchair commentators say about your feminism doesn't matter [View all]
"Youre doing it wrong! Feminist events shouldnt have male speakers! Feminist events need more male speakers! SlutWalk is the handmaiden of capitalist oppression that will eventually lead to all women becoming prostitutes! SlutWalk should be called PerpWalk/PrudeWalk/Anti-Victim-BlamingWalk! Youre too middle class! Youre too radical! Why do you hate men/women so much!"
These are difficult viewpoints to engage with because theyre totalising arguments that are not really meant to start constructive discussions. Theyre intended to shut down debate, not initiate it. Thats the very definition of trolling, but I still respond to these because its part of my job to change peoples minds, particularly about victim-blaming of women and sexual violence.
And then there are the vitriolic personal attacks. Ranging from accusations of stupidity and unchecked privilege through to insinuations that feminists invented rape culture in order to professionally profit from it, the slamming of individuals deemed incorrect seems to be a fashionable form of undermining feminism writ large.
I find this harder to tolerate. Not because women shouldnt criticise the work of other women. They absolutely should, and I do it frequently. But mounting strenuous critiques of prevailing attitudes in the public sphere is possible without petty namecalling and spiteful innuendo. Not only is it inane, but its the mark of a mediocre intellect and a boring writer. Its also doing the work of patriarchy, and nobody is happier to see it than anti-feminist gatekeepers of the status quo.