Spinning the science on atrazine
Thu, 2014-04-17 07:32
Lex Horan
The last of the late spring snowstorms are winding down here in the Midwest, and it wont be long before corn goes into the ground. With corn-planting, of course, comes atrazine applications. And though atrazine doesnt get much use in the colder months, this winter hasnt been a quiet one for the
notorious herbicide and its manufacturer, the Syngenta Corporation.
In the last few months, investigative reporters in the U.S. and Canada have highlighted Syngentas desperate scrambling to discredit atrazines critics. Recent pieces in major outlets like the
New Yorker and
Canadas 16 x 9, building on important findings first published in
100Reporters, have pulled back the curtain on Syngentas PR machine for a broader audience. The message? In the pesticide industry, spin is half the business.
Much of the recent media coverage zeroes in on Dr. Tyrone Hayes, the Berkeley biologist who was on Syngentas payroll until his findings raised red flags about atrazine.