How to play Patriarchy Chicken: why I refuse to move out of the way for men [View all]
If you dont move out of the way for men, your commute changes. For one thing Im not going to lie about this you do collide with a lot of men. This is where the name of the game comes from. You need to really commit to Patriarchy Chicken: dont let your social instinct to step to the side kick in. Men are going to walk into you: that isnt your fault.
Some men dont walk straight into you, of course. Some men find their brains overridden by the unfamiliar experience of a woman refusing to give way. Last week, on a busy train platform, a man was so confused by my trajectory towards him that he stopped dead in front of me, holding eye contact, and flapped his mouth like a fish. You will find that a lot of men just
stop. It is up to you to decide how to react to this.
Its also important to note that Patriarchy Chicken isnt about anger. Of course, you can put your head down, square your shoulders, glower, and power through. But in my opinion, the best way to play the game is cheerfully. Smile! Make eye contact! But never, ever give way.
The point of Patriarchy Chicken is not just that you get where youre going marginally faster (although you do) or that you irritate a number of men (which you also do). The point is that men have been socialised, for their entire lives, to take up space. Men who would never express these thoughts out loud have nevertheless been brought up to believe that their right to occupy space takes precedent over anyone elses right to be there. They spread their legs on tubes and trains, they bellow across coffee shops and guffaw in pubs, and they never, ever give way.
Women have not been socialised to take up space. Women have been socialised to give way, to alleviate, to conciliate, and to step to the side.
Genius. Maybe a group of us should try it for a day and report back?!?!