Unplanned is anti-abortion propaganda. Its success at the box office should scare us all [View all]
Unplanned depict Johnsons account of her experience as a formerly enthusiastic Planned Parenthood employee, and how as she describes it she gradually became jaded, then horrified by her first sight of an abortion. The movie ends with her quitting her job at the clinic to join The Coalition for Life, an anti-abortion group down the street. In real life, Johnson has spent her time since quitting Planned Parenthood in 2009 becoming a prominent advocate for anti-abortion, publishing the memoir on which the film is based in 2011.
Unplanned was the fourth-highest grossing movie in the US on its opening weekend (March 29-31), and has already received endorsements from Mike Pence, Donald Trump Jr. and Ted Cruz. The films trailer promises viewers they will discover the truth, but the reality is one of manipulation, misrepresentation, and the invigoration of a nationwide trend which threatens the safety of women and their rights over their bodies.
The reach of such films must not be underestimated. Another anti-abortion movie, Gosnell, was screened by the White House last week. President Trump was apparently not present, but he has already proven himself an enthusiastic proponent of blatant abortion lies for the sake of political capital - claiming in a statement in February that New York lawmakers would happily allow a baby to be ripped from the mothers womb moments before birth.
Civil rights die in the dark