I was dogpiled for saying I don't find victim blaming funny [View all]
The Hill published an article on Dave Chappelle & political correctness & said he never wanted to take away someone's freedom of experssion. All I said was I never found victim blaming to be funny and I thought comedians were supposed to be funny. The reason I said that is Chappelle showed more sympathy with Bill Cosby, Louis CK, Michael Jackson and made jokes at the victim's expense.
Also whenever I read victim blaming on a message board or something I never laughed. I never told anyone not to watch his show but I'm being ripped by conservatives including conservative women who called me a pansy. I'm sorry I can never think of a scenario where I find victim blaming funny.
For background
Dave Chappelles Netflix special targets Michael Jacksons accusers, #MeToo, and cancel culture
Also this article turned out to be true.
All the Worst White People Love Dave Chappelle's Sticks and Stones
Am I wrong here?