i thought maybe a discussion on sexism in language and why it matters was important.
to create a visual of "measure the spread of legs" suggests a vulnerability in women that cannot be countered in regard to a man. for a man to use that in a post is a means empowering gender and setting another gender up for vulnerability. and an inability for posters to recognize the abuse in such language on a message board.... matters.
i read another poster griping that no one can say anything anymore without someone being offended. and another poster replied there were things he was not aware of that he said that were offensive. when he realized a certain word was offensive to others, he stopped using it. no harm, no foul. didn't hurt him a bet to consider others.
and of course a forum wanting to be treated with privilege because it is mainly a gender based forum, not because of design, but subject. an inherent privilege that words no longer matter because of group think.
i thought all these interesting developments on a new site that is asking for individuals to take responsibility and group to monitor.
i also get that many many good, very good men don't get sexist language (and women, too for that matter. hence, my post on mothers), nor do they grasp the harm it does. i have never felt a person was wrong in a choice, when they were ignorant/unknowing of the issue. how can they be. so, a lot of the sexism we will see on the board wont be recognized and we just have to get it.
what happens in a group when there is blatant sexism and others don't see it? anger, resentment, sides are created. for or against. then nothing is learned and a whole lot of chaos ensues.