It is amazing what makes you start to think. [View all]
I was going through YouTube and found this video. It started me to think, we have come a long way. Yet there are STILL those that will try and hold you back for just being a woman. You would think that people would be over this, yet they are not. And then how many women are STILL lock in step with those that will keep trying to take the simple right of what we do with our bodies away from us.
I have even been in homeless shelters where women were treated different, just because they had a child. Many without children said they felt they were less than human due to being a homeless woman. That they felt better on the streets. That is why many women stayed on the street.
Then there was a mother of two. She was not allowed to go to the work program due to the kids, yet her husband was. They said it was because there was no place for a man to watch children. Yet she was the one with the education to get a good job. Her husband did not have his GED. She had nursing training, she just needed a address to make it easier to put in applications. Yet, they pushed for him to go out instead. To get enough money up for an apartment the little money he could make. along with paying 33% of all checks to the shelter to stay, was slow. She could have done it much faster, but they would not listen.
This shelter had a hang up big time about mothers staying with kids 24/7 and dads only an hour a day to visit. They would deny that they were sexiest, but they really are.
Working or not, we women STILL get belittled due to being women. It is not right.
Oh and this is the video that started this...
When will this all change.