My insurance company will only pay for one month of my pain killer so in order [View all]
for me to go away for a month, starting in 3 weeks, I have to pay full price ???? (My doctor ordered 2 months for the script)
That is so f$$$ked. I'm thinking about asking my doctor if he can prescribe something a little different so it will be looked at as a new script. They don't do this with other medications - I don't believe. I just think they mess with me because it is a controlled substance.
I am going to try really hard to cut down as much as possible again. I was able to stretch a script for 2 months in the past but recently my neck acted up and with pain going all the way down into my damn hand it is difficult.
I have creams, and traction devises and I even use my own cupping devise and some improvised acupuncture that I follow using online guides. I am definitely not just someone trying to get high.
But I do have an accentuated feeling of pain if that makes sense to anyone. I was dx'd wit Fibromyalgia and I think that has something to do with feeling pain more than usual.