Well, I made three years - but COVID finally got me. Positive home test last evening [View all]
Going to get a confirming swab at the doc in an hour, then if definitely positive, will have a video con with my doc. I've had all of the Moderna vaxxes and boosters. 66 years old, only risk factor is a bit overweight.
Strange virus this is - over the last week, I've had vertigo - then felt like a cold was coming on (some sneezes, scratchy throat, post nasal drip). last evening I felt feverish - lo and behold, 100 - took the test - and...damn.
Fitful night sleeping, different symptoms came and went (took NyQuil and Guafenesin) - this morning not too bad until I got up - room spun, got nauseous - cold sweat. Went pretty quickly away, had coffee and cereal and couldn't taste it (probably due to very stuffed nose). Right now, energy a bit low, no breathing issues/congestion, just that head cold feeling.
I suspect I am a few days into this - we shall see where it goes next. My wife is of course on watch for symptoms. Thankfully we are pretty isolated here and can just hang out for a few weeks.
Keep safe, all.