sounds like the exact things that docs miss when its a woman talking.
and sounds like me rn. nothing threatening my life, just stuff that makes me miserable.
my melanoma was treated quickly. my diverticulitis, not so much. 2 trips to the er in recent weeks. got great care and big antibiotics the 1st time. 2 wks later, when i was still in a lot of pain i went back. wasnt in a crisis, but know how long the op system takes v how quick things happen in the er. i was not willing to wait weeks and weeks for every test/appt. this is urgent.
they repeated tests, which got worse. wbc higher, despite abs, rbc dropping. and liver inflamed, likely from abs.
i know how this stuff works, so ate/acted to minimize the pain. its less frequent, but just as bad.
well, i looked and felt fine for the several hours i sat there and actually got shamed for using the mostly empty er to get care quicker. but i got the urgent gi referral, which was my goal.
urgent means i have an appt in a month. im on the hot list, but i suspect that my informed management of my symptoms will mean i wait the whole month. the part where its sucking up most of my life to do it is not in my favor.
i think they just assume that if the pain is bad enough to bring a man to the er, it must b a crisis. but a woman w a thick med file like me must just b a whiner. they didnt even ask about pain meds. they gave me 10 norco 1st time, but i didnt take them. they didnt even ask me what i was taking, or did i need more. i took 1 for the 1st time that day. think i told them that. but they didnt see me cryin, so they assumed.
im sure if id asked, theyd have assumed i was just drug seeking.
womens pain is ignored more often than not.