Like in most endeavors the elites look down their long noses at any who dont fit the mold. Its there way of eliminating the real competition. Graeme Obree was a great cyclist, perhaps a mechanical genius, and unorthodox. Like many of these genius he suffered from depression at times. His autobiography is a great read.
Flying Scotsman : Cycling to Triumph Through My Darkest Hours
Little-known Graeme Obree became international cyclings most unlikely star, capturing the publics imagination with his innovative engineering and design skills and unique training regiments. When he broke world records and won championships, the cycling authorities outlawed both his bike and his tucked riding position. He invented the "Superman" riding style and triumphed again. But while battling authorities and other cyclists, Obree was also battling a much more serious threat: bipolar disorder. In The Flying Scotsman, Obree tells his remarkable story with brutal honesty and unexpected humor. Beginning with his troubled childhood in Ayrshire, where the bike was his only escape, Obree recounts his turbulent life and career, describing what drove him to not only break records, but to attempt suicide on three separate occasions. Long known for his courage on the track, here Obree demonstrates a different kind of courage as he movingly lays bare his struggle with manic depression.