Yeah, more Star Wars stuff [View all]
Watching the original three movies as a stress break from Andor. Plus, I had a bunch of calls and stuff to do today so have had them running in the background. Questions have occurred to me...
Who the heck trained Luke?
He was with Ben/Obi Wan for, at most, a couple weeks. He was with Yoda for a few days, judging by what was going on with Leia and Han at the same time. When he went back to train with Yoda, Yoda died like 10 minutes after he got there.
They werent going to train Anakin because he was too old at ~9. Then, Mr. Chosen One was Obi Wans padawan till he was late teens/early twenties.
Obi Wan was Qui Gons padawan from childhood until his late teens/early twenties.
Obviously, Jedi training takes a long time.
I get that by the time of A New Hope, the lack of Jedis was a bit of an emergency, so I can see the training being expedited... but we are talking probably less than a month of formal training, total.
Even assuming Luke did some serious self-study in his off time (between movies), thats still not formal training. Yet he is well matched fighting Vader. Hmmm.
Bothers me, this does.