This never happened in classic movies, but with the current batch of movies that have the same plot points, the only difference is the content of the film. And what happens is this:
Dumb ass adult is warned not to do something that is obviously dangerous, but wants the fame or the money they imagine they could get if they succeed in this something they've been warned about, and that the audience can see very clearly is so wrong.
BORING. Stupid people is not an entertaining plot point. We have to face that every day that the Magats are around.
This is the laziest way to create a movie I can think of. It caters to the Magats who see this happen every day in their lives. It is the best they can imagine happening.
It takes a stupid person doing stupid things to make things happen. What kind of message is that? Do you see that in Casablanca? Is that how Ripley overcomes the Alien?
And there is another one that is similar. Stupid children who want to please their parents by doing stupid things they have been told not to do. But but but I want to help you Dad!!! So I am going to ignore you and do exactly the opposite of what you tell me/want me to do.
OK, that is my movie rant off.