Questions about breast lump biopsy [View all]
First off I am male, have a dark lump in my chest that needed checked out. After mammogram and ultrasound the doctor needed more so I have had a biopsy. Results will be made available to me on Monday, (2 days from this post). I am seeking info from those here who may know more about the biopsy technique than I do.
My first question is why do they leave a tiny item, a 'marker' I think is what the doctor called it, why did they leave that in me? What purpose does it serve?
My second question is why after such a tiny needle puncture am I so severely bruised? My chest looks like I got hit with something the size of a baseball! Is this overly large bruising normal?
Those are my questions. BTW I am not terribly concerned about cancer although I understand this is very much a possibility. I do not know the doctor who performed this procedure, she being a specialist at my city's breast center, not my doctor, she informed me that the odds of the biopsy showing cancer are very slim.
Hopefully I am not breaking any DU rules here, I am not seeking anything more than general information about the procedure itself.