Hello. I'm new to the Group. My dear husband has cancer [View all]
I am the wife of someone newly diagnosed with cancer.
I've read a lot of the posts here already. My husband has pretty much the same thing as alfredo.
He is stage IV cancer base of his tongue caused by hpv.
As he says "the 70s have come back to haunt me"
So far it's been tests, and biopsies, and more tests.... and bills and more bills.
Yesterday they did a biopsy on his thyroid because the first CAT scan he had showed a small something. Our radiology oncologist said probably nothing but did it out of an abundance of caution.
They kept him waiting on the gurney an hour and then used only a local....
long story short when he came back into where I was, he started crying like a baby.
He is only 63 and just the sweetest thing.
He will have 33 radiation treatments, and 3 powerful chemo treatments
He will have a feeding tube and a port put in next week I think ( meeting that surgeon next Tuesday )
So far my duties are to keep track of everything. I'm making a fun notebook for us. Of course they have given us all sorts of stuff and we have our own oncology nurse navigator ( she's really pretty) but I want to do a lot of this myself.
I am worried about money of course. We have a policy that has a 6450.00 out of pocket level and my husband works in construction. No sick leave, no paid insurance... hourly wages.
I'll probably post here just to clear my head. Thanks for those of you who have already posted in this group.
It's been helpful.