I obviously had/have "caregivers syndrome" LOL
Husband is finished with treatment and all seems to be going fine. Our ( my) biggest problem now revolves around eating. He finished his treatment early October. He still really complains about lack of saliva and things tasting bad. He really doesn't like meat at all.
He just had a port flush and labs yesterday and the test results were posted already. Everything normal.
He uses the feeding tube once a day just for me to make sure he gets at least 600 calories ( and for his daily flush)
After we met the deductible, everything was paid by Blue cross except for the feeding tube formula. I really hit the roof too. I told the doctor we didn't want it unless it was covered, and looking at the yellow sheet we got in the hospital ( the day the tube was inserted) it looked like it was. So in a few days, we got a bunch of boxes of Fibersource. Almost two months later we get a bill for 766.00!
I hadn't opened up half of the shipping boxes even so I asked them if I could return them for a refund. "No, we don't know if you stored them correctly...blah blah blah". Here is what made me so mad: the same product is 1/4 the price on amazon. All Saints price was 3.98 per and amazon was 1.04. If anyone needs a link for fibersource on amazon, just ask, although it's easy to find. I just ordered one more box from them and it is exactly the same.
As far as drugs go, we haven't had to pay very much at all. I have been keeping track and we all total have paid $8,900 out of our pocket this year and Blue Cross have paid $198,000. Our hospital allows you to pay it out, so I did some on a plan, but my elderly mother, bless her heart, and some other friends ( Democrats at Bill's site!) gave me some money to help cover the costs.
Oh, and he took early Social Security. We had no idea what would happen. He plans to go back to work as soon as his feeding tube is out. If he had an office job, he could probably work now, but he is a house painter, and a good one, so he needs more recovery time. We will take the hit/penalties on the SOcial Security if necessary. He will still come out ahead. In two years, when he turns 66, we won't have to worry about penalties.
..... all this good news depends if I don't go nuts in the meantime .... I'm retired ( I'm 4 years older) and he is driving me crazy.
Very normal, I know, with retired couples.