Hoping someone might be able to supply some assistance on caregivers [View all]
Just to get you caught up, wifey has contracted MDS because of her extensive chemo treatments for Stage 4 Lymphoma.
The only way to "cure" MDS is to get a stem-cell transplant. This requires the patient to get the transplant, stay in the hospital for 4 weeks, then be transferred to a "place" where she can receive 24/7 care for another 8 weeks.
They (the hospital) will not give her the transplant unless we have the 24/7 care set up beforehand. They will also not assist us in finding said care. The ONLY assistance has been that we can hire someone at around $400 a day to stay with her.
Does anyone here have ANY ideas for us? We have become desperate. We have no family members who can give up their life for 8 weeks and stay with her. It is "nearly" impossible for me to do so because of reasons I will not bore you with here.
Has anyone been able to get grants to help pay for this kind of care?
Agencies we can contact?
Any ideas will be helpful.
Thank you, FAC