Children and Cancer [View all]
Our family received devastating news this week. My grand-daughter Cassandra, not quite 3 years old, has been diagnosed with liver cancer. She's had a very bumpy road since her 26-week preemie birth, has defied all manner of grim prognoses, and developed into a happy, giggly, dancing (loves all things musical) little girl.
Now this.
We've been notified she'll start chemo next week to shrink the liver tumor and, since the entire organ appears compromised, she could very well require a transplant. We're all holding our breath that the spot on her lung is scarring due to all the early lung interventions and 18-month ventilator usage.
Anyone here have experience with these childhood cancers or words of wisdom for fretting relatives? Prayers and good vibes would help, too.
My son and daughter-in-law are, of course, in total shock. It's a stunning reversal. Words fail moments like these, other than: it's so unfair. But even that sounds lame.
Would welcome any advice. Thanks in advance!