It is not as uncommon as it used to be. I actually saw a conversation about it on a TV show a while back but it was mainly about teeth. I believe there is a very good clinic in Cleveland? If you use FB at all there is information from the people there about which clinics will be able to help with surgical assistance. They have pacemakers to cause the stomach to actually work. They are nowhere near certain though. Mine does better now but I have to make it all happen by using Miralax. Once food sits in her stomach for a while it will become a big, painful problem. As long as her food moves through she might be able to avoid much of the pain and vomiting. Once it stops it ferments and comes out like it went in even days later. Without the Miralax mine goes nowhere, nothing really works well anymore but see if that helps enough to keep her more comfortable. I hate using it but....I would do ANYTHING to avoid the pain of this.
One other thing, she may need to have and upper and lower GI. Upper mainly to make certain that all this mess has not caused her esophagus to narrow. If she has trouble swallowing she might need to do that. It does help a lot, I have done it twice and need to do it again.
Of course they should have someone on call. That just stinks. ER's are not a good place either. They think you are nuts. This really is a true problem and is in medical books. It seems with the Internet more people are being taken seriously and they now do know about it...some of them.