i'm having a wicked burst of motivation the last few days [View all]
i worked all weekend, cleaned the apartment before work yesterday, spent an hour on the phone today getting prices to have a window installed in the back of our station wagon, baked two loaves of bread and am getting started on a nice dinner.
true, most of it has been external motivation - the property management company showed our apartment monday and there is no way my dad would let me slack on getting the window fixed - but i'm glad that i've been able to get everything done.
the new meds seem to be working for the most part, although my anxiety has been a bit higher that usual. i'm feeling a bit more even and didn't even blink when my husband told me the window was broken. he was coming home from band practice, had his speaker cabinets in the back of the car and one of them fell over and smashed out the window. oh well, shit happens. money is stressing me out right now, but it's nothing i can't handle.
it's nice to be felling better