I haven't had the best success with mental health professionals. I know there are some amazing people out there but I haven't met any yet. The first psychiatrist I saw was a real pill pusher. I don't mind taking medications at all but this guy really didn't want to listen to me about my issues much. It was all just "so how are you feeling this week". If I said not so good it would be off to try another medication. He rotated me through at least 4 different SSRIs and SNRIs in the space of about 3 to 4 months. I know that technically that gives enough time for each to take effect at the minimum interval of effectiveness but I also know many people take up to 6+ weeks to see a benefit from any particular medication. I also have seen a therapist, not a psychiatrist, who was a bit better but my problem with here was that she seemed to treat me as a fragile broken toy and never offered much in the way of actual therapy. To me a good therapist should be a compassionate yet professional individual who also offers concrete steps and suggestions.
As far as anti psychotics I did try some at extremely low doses as a form of booster to the SSRIs I was on. This seems to be a common prescription nowadays. But these are at much lower doses than you would take for bipolarism or psychopathy.
One annoying thing is that although we have universal healthcare here in Canada it only pays for visits to a psychiatrist. If you want to see a psychologist or therapist that largely has to come out of your own pocket. And they aren't cheap.
But you are right I should try to seek put another diagnosis. In fact I've never had a true formal diagnosis. I'm depressed that much is certain and I have some form of social or other anxiety. But the people I've seen professionally have largely taken this at face value, with a few questionnaires here and there.