Need a little support for Friday AM appointment [View all]
I have to see a new therapist at the new pain clinic I was referred to. I sent in my two pages of questions with my the answers and a lot of footnoting and got a letter to day that that yielded a "diagnosis" mildly anxious and moderately depressed. Sounds about right I don't know what to expect, or ask for as I am not into this any more. My PC doc has been prescribing for me and I have been seeing a PSW from time to time to deal with depression linked to grief.
This is a highly recommended group but I have good reason for anxiety. I am definitly a square peg in a round hole world. I was sent to the only clinic in the city that took MA back in the 1990's and just managed to slip out of the grasp of this dragon lady:
HEADLINE: Jury awards patient $2.6 million; Verdict finds therapist
Humenansky liable in repressed-memory trial
During the first session she repeatedly asking me if I could have been sexually abused as a child and I could honestly say no but that but the vibe from her was that she was a "soul eater" and something told me not to stay. I asked to be reassigned immediately and got a wonderful disabled PSW who not only helped me but spoke on my behalf to my kids school and recommended someone for my 11 year old who had a bout of situational depression. He bounced back better than ever.
I am doing OK on Prozac for anxiety and a tiny amount of Pamelor that helps with pain and sleep. Celexa made things worse. Elavil made me too sleepy until about 5pm. I took one pre Prozac drug that I cannot recall but that is all.
So any advice, good wishes would be much appreciated.