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A weird thing that happened yesterday.
I was at the mall with two friends from my PrP waiting for the bus
when suddenly I got the nastiest headache ever. But it wasn't a normal headache,first my jaw hurt,not in the bony parts but in the soft hollow between the bony part under the chin .I was aware of the jaw ache just enough to go ow,then this headache ran up both sides of my head and met at would be a part line of the scalp it felt like my head was going to explode it was so bad, I told the guys,I was gonna lean against the wall holding my head,they asked if I was ok I said I dunno,and it stopped in a few seconds.WTF was that? Was it a mini stroke should I be scared ,or not? Calling the doc tomorrow anyway.
Today I am exhausted,but I'm hot,kinda sweaty,and dog tired.
Woke up really hungry,but haven't been too active today.
And to top it all off a chunk of one of my molars broke off about 2 hours ago.I thought I had something stuck between my teeth so I flossed it and ping,a 1/4th by 1/8th chunk of tooth fell out of my molar. I have a hole there. It does not hurt thankfully,guess the filling is still intact. Hope I can get someone monday to look at all this crap happening at once with this stupid body...bodies suck. So does being poor.No decent transportation out here.
Slowly disintegrating meat bags,and no money to maintain the damn thing since MA dropped dental& good back doctors being in Baltimore and MA cab refusing to go out of my pathetic county among many other barriers to getting help and shit fixed....
I could design a better body than the pos I was born into. ,I mean look at teeth no matter how well you take care of them they get messed up anyway what a fucking bad design..
Wish I could get every tooth and it's nerves yanked out and put in titanium implants and be done with fucking teeth made of crap.
I think I just hate being trapped in this slowly dying body in a world dominated by rich greedy sociopaths.
I hope whenever death comes it comes fast,cheap and painless.