as well as people who understand.
They have checked my thyroid. That's normal. My red and white blood cell count came back literally text book perfect. They said the tests that are irregular are my CH50 level which is high. Allergist who took test said in note he sent me: "I was expecting it to be low, don't know what to make of it being high?" The reverse was true of my immunoglobulin levels. Three were abnormally low, he said in note "gee I was expecting them to be high, don't know what to make of it." No explanation of what they actually do mean in terms of my general health, and no recommendation for follow up. So I made appointment with primary care doctor's office. They said "immunology isn't our field we don't understand it either."
So I googled. According to legitimate health sites high CH50 means either you have cancer or a serious infection. On the immunoglobulin levels they said it's likely hereditary, which I know my mother had one that was low, E. She had to carry a medical alert for it. If your levels are low and they give you a blood transfusion with that immunoglobulin present it can kill you. I am low on A, M, and E. Plus they said abnormally low or high levels can cause hives and stomach issues, exactly what I am having. I finally called them everyday tell they gave in and referred me to an immunologist. He can't see me unti August 6th. I've been fighting them since February. Hopefully it isn't cancer, or if it is, it isn't one that's terrible sensitive on the treatment end.