A Man With Alzheimer's Drew Himself For 5 Years. These Photos Are Heartbreaking. [View all]
was not sure where to post this and thinking it might be good to xpost to the Arts Group.
In 1995 at age 61, William Utermohlen, an American artist living in London, received a devastating diagnosis. He had Alzheimer's. In response to his illness (or perhaps to spite it) he began to paint self-portraits. They became a way for him to try to understand his condition.
Until he was admitted to a nursing home in 2000, Utermohlen painted regular portraits of himself during those first years of his diagnosis. What we see is a man struggling to remain in touch with the world around him. Utermohlen passed away in 2007, but his self portraits have lived on as a way for us to understand the devastation of Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer's is a terrible, confusing disease. It steals our loved ones away from us, even before they pass on. What William was able to achieve is both insightful and moving.
A self-portrait of William Utermohlen from 1961.

Final Self-Portrait

All the self-portraits grouping

example of his art in his prime

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