Outrageous experience with my daughter's PD's office... [View all]
Until Friday last, as you know I had extreme confidence in my daughter's PD.
Briefly, let me describe what happened and please share your thoughts on the matter-
The PD prescribed Risperidol for her insomnia.
It was a miserable FAIL.
He switched her to Abilify-
Again, a disaster.
Increased insomnia and heightened agitation.
I called his office on Friday- told the person who answered the call
that I had an urgent situation and needed to speak with the doctor
about what to do.
Waited, no return call.
I called again- repeating the emphasis on "URGENT."
I was assured by the same person I spoke to earlier
that the doctor had the message on his desk.
Hours roll by- no call from the doc.
I call again at closing time and learn that the doctor has left for the day.
I also learn that he never received my messages.
As in, the receptionist LIED to me.
I ended up calling our pharmacist to get advice on getting her off the Abilify safely.
Finally heard back from the PD yesterday- told him I found
it totally unacceptable that my message/plea for help was not conveyed,
and furthermore that I had been lied to.
He was apologetic and agreed with the validity of my complaint.
FORTUNATELY- My GP, who specializes in BP agreed to see my
daughter during my visit with him about blood work.
He gained her confidence, after an initially BAD first meeting months ago,
and gave her a script for Zanax to sleep.
For the first time in THREE weeks, she finally got a full night of sleep. 12 hours actually.
My instinct is to dump the PD and put her under the care of my GP.
What say you?