Support *hugs* for all those without insurance. [View all]
Just wish to throw out some random *hugs* and some virtual support to all those suffering from emotional problems who don't have any medical insurance. I was just in a chat room tying to console a person having a panic attack and trying to decide whether to go to the ER or not cause they couldn't breath. This person had no health insurance and was just about broke. She was terrified because she couldn't breath and had never had an episode like this before despite suffering from anxiety for 10 years. I told her it was most likely just a panic attack but that she absolutely should go to the ER if she felt like she needed to. There should be no stigma in needing to go to the ER for mental health reasons, though I know there is. Many amazing people work there and can help you no matter what your problems are, emotional or physical. We have a family friend who would not be alive now were it not for the kind people at the psychiatric unit at the local hospital where he was brought after a suicide attempt. It just pains me to see someone like this woman I was trying to help have to deal with TWO calamities, their own emotional turmoil (which I know can feel like death itself), and the prospect of hospital bills you can't afford to pay. Makes me feel all the more lucky for living in a country, Canada in my case, where I don't have to face that extra burden. *hugs* to all those facing this!