How to get through a nervous breakdown? [View all]
Well I posted my introduction some weeks ago here:
You can read that for the full details but at that time I had recently quit my last job due to anxiety and was looking for something simple like a grocery store job. Well I did manage to get a produce stocking job at a local store but that job only lasted a day for me. I came home from that and had a bit of a mental breakdown (couldn't stop crying the whole day). Since then it's been down hill with every day filled with tons of anxiety. I have no job right now and I'm living at home with my parents (you can see my introduction thread for more info on that). I've contemplated checking into the hospital on several occasions. Though according to my psychiatrist they would not likely admit me since I'm not suicidal (though I do have suicidal thoughts some days). I can't stop my mind from going over the same territory over and over again (being a 29 yr old living at home off his parents with no job or life skills not future etc) and the thought of the future paralyzes me. I am seeing a psychiatrist currently who has me on Cipralex (Lexapro in the US) and Xanax when I need it. I've been through 3 or 4 different SSRIs in the past few months looking for one that works. He doesn't offer any real therapy though, mostly just medication adjustment. I don't have extended health care right now and Canadian Universal Health only covers a psychiatrist, not a psychologist. The only things I've managed to stick to so far are one night course that I've been taking and a driving lessons course to get my full license. I managed to do a presentation in that night course the other night which has helped my anxiety the last few days which is good. But I'm still mostly stuck at home sleeping most days, terrified of life. I don't know how to move forward from here. How to get past this hurdle. I don't feel together enough to do a job right now. I've signed up for school again in Sept but I fear I will not be well enough by then to go. I'm just at a complete loss for what to do and I'm an emotional mess.